For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord...

    Pastor Rick Williams

    Pastor Ricky

    Welcome to the Clive Baptist Church Website.  My name is Rev. Ricky Williams.  I am the part-time associate pastor here at Clive. Together, with my wife, Sandra we invite you to come and enjoy worship and to fellowship with us here at Clive Baptist.

    I have been a church planter, church renewal pastor for the past twenty-seven years.  I have an earned undergrad as well as a Masters degree from the Briercrest Biblical Seminary.

    On a personal note, Sandra and I, have one grown son, (Travis) and we get to enjoy each of our four grandchildren.  We love to camp, fish and thoroughly enjoy good Gospel Music, especially the quartet convention style music.

                    We look forward for the opportunity to meet, and get to know you here at Clive Baptist Church.

                    God’s Richest Blessings on you

                    Rev. Ricky J. Williams